"Of course, this is the FAA … "
As one of the very first pilots to avail themselves of BasicMed, it’s working for me SO far. Not so much for my buddies.
I have uncovered a “plot” by the AME community in the local area up north where I summer. My buddies are telling me the AME’s they were using for the 3rd class started recommending that they use BasicMed right after it came out in 2017. Then – suddenly, earlier this year – they’re saying they won’t do BasicMed. Digging deeper, I find that they attended an AME conference someplace and the “community” somehow scared the you know what out of them over liability. That’s bad enough. But the specific Sr AME told all of his regular doctor buddies and now they won’t do BasicMed exams either. Wonderful. There aren’t a lot of doctors around here so … now the folks that did or were going to use BasicMed are … how you say … screwed. They’re having to go back to paying for 3rd class exams every two years.
At Airventure, I made this my raison d’etra this year. I marched right into the FAA pavilion and sought out the Sr AME and told HIM about it. He wasn’t happy and did vow to dig into it and do something about it. I give him great credit. He was the only bright spot in the situation but now the damage is done. Taking it a step further, I met with Sen Inhofe and told HIM about it. HE was livid ! So much so that he put his staff on me to get the facts and specifics and deal with as he can directly with the AME community in OKC. I recommended that his new Bills indemnify any doctor who performs a Basic Med exam. I’m “on” this and will continue to be with Sen Inhofe. Mark Baker and Jack Pelton were at the Sen Inhofe meeting so … they’re aware of it, as well.
SO … it appears there is a “deep state” within the FAA, too? The AME’s went TOO far with the third class medical nonsense for pilots flying recreationally and now are trying to throw rocks into the path of anyone trying to use BasicMed as an alternative. I STRONGLY recommend that anyone who encounters this write to Sen Inhofe so his staff is aware of it. This all occurred in one of the nine AME regions in the central US.
As I often say … “The FAA … making simple stuff hard since 1958.” (sic) One step forward … one step back The bright spot in ALL of this … Senator Inhofe … a great guy IMHO.