May 2022
It is difficult for me to understand how aviation in these places are financed. Is it all free market economics, or are government subsidies involved? That would make an interesting article. Wouldn’t it be far cheaper and healthier for locals in Alaska to cook their own food from ingredients flown in?
1 reply
May 2022
To paraphrase Dale Gribble: “Ceviche? From a flying airplane? What could go wrong?”
May 2022
▶ kent.misegades
The financing answer for non-tourist areas is: Primarily by the activities of government (both through operations & subsidy), big oil, and a variety of other resource extraction businesses. And obviously, the vast majority of the food eaten by residents of the villages is in fact cooked on site, and with an ingredient mix that is augmented by locally sourced items. The “treats” that are the subject of the article form only a minor overlay on the cargoes, and are in no way a new phenomenon, flights out to the villages have always carried them, although usually via personal friendship arrangements rather than as a formal delivery service.
May 2022
I remember the skit that Sam Kinisen had when he talked about Africa. There’s no food, no water and no jobs. What are you doing here? MOVE!
May 2022
Sam was hysterical.
That man understood my ex-wife
May 2022
I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be or to feel isolated.