September 2022
I don’t know if Hochul is a “nut”, which seems like an overly broad character assassination. Evidence? On the other hand, this piece of legislation is indeed akin to using a sledge hammer in an attempt to kill a housefly. I’m glad that all the associations are speaking out in opposition. I hope the bill gets killed.
2 replies
September 2022
Yep. Legislation that clearly wasn’t thought out well. Sounds more knee-jerk than anything.
How about getting all parties to hash out where is there the most obtrusive noise and come to an agreement.
Maybe local laws and FAA regs aren’t good enough? Not sure as I can’t tell what’s the actual issue here.
September 2022
It’s about time some of these corporate operators stand up to these clowns. Here in the Midwest, several Fortune 500 companies have done so–"If you close our local airport, we will close our facility (or even “move our corporate headquarters.”)
Our Would-be “Masters” in government seem to forget that they are where they are, because of OUR wants and needs–not vice/versa. These urban heliports (or close-in airports) make it tolerable to live outside the urban sewers, and still do business.
And the politicians wonder why people and businesses are fleeing their cities and states!
September 2022
▶ RichardKatz
Really? Hochul decided that the SCOTUS ruling on concealed carry was in error so she had her lick-spittle sycophants in the NY Lege to pass a law, literally overnight, to try to negate your rights under the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments to the Constitution. For example; in order to obtain a concealed carry permit you will have to turn over your social media posts. If the examiner doesn’t like that you post conservative views, guess what? You don’t get a permit. That violates the 1st and 4th right there. The net result is a denial of the 2nd. So yes, she’s a nut.
September 2022
Too many "unreasonable"s in the legislation. Unless you can precisely define that term the legislation is unreasonable (pun intended).
September 2022
I assume that this is the end of LifeFlight and Police helicopter operations in her state?
If the wording is correct, it opens the door for even criminal elements (with sensitive ears) to sue the state.
September 2022
Does the plaintiff and lawyers get money from a suit?
Shut down Senate Bill S7493A, shut it down now.
September 2022
▶ RichardKatz
If you look far enough down through the definitions for “nut”, near the bottom you will find “14, b. : a resident of the city of Albany, NY.”
I’m only partially kidding. Spent much of yesterday wrangling with local town and village boards over changes to rules on short term rentals. Every third solution proposed ran contrary to some screwy NY State law emplaced for something virtually unrelated. There are so many rules, they cannot fix the rules. And then, they wonder why all the working age people are leaving all of upstate.
September 2022
Promoting this type of law, the empowering & encouraging of anyone within the general public to file suit in furtherance of whatever your particular “thing” might be, has become the latest fad for activists of all stripes. Referred to as “vigilante laws”, one of the earliest was the Texas pro-life law empowering and offering a “bounty” of $10,000 plus reimbursement of legal fees to private citizens for suing anyone they suspect of helping a woman obtain an abortion.
We’re becoming a nation held hostage by special interest groups.
1 reply
September 2022
▶ Skypark
Texas wasn’t even close to starting this stupid trend. California has a whole industry enabled by these laws dating back to the 60’s (?). Stories appear on this site fairly regularly about the lawsuits. Anti gun folks tried it decades ago as well.
Texas legislators merely went all in on it in a way that was simultaneously reprehensible in its extremity and admirable in its cleverness.
There seems to be a thing where the sides alternate in moving the limits of any given trick until the shark is jumped, or beyond, but they never come around to making peace anymore.
September 2022
These “environmentalists” won’t be happy until everyone BUT themselves is living in caves. If passed this will make helicopter operations difficult if not impossible.
September 2022
I find it interesting that New Yorkers are so adept at being able to identify helicopter noise out of all the traffic cacophony that permeates the state. It reminds me of the time, years ago when the Concorde was beginning flights between London and JFK airport in New York City. The city announced that it had set up a telephone “hot line” so people could call in and complain about the noise of the aircraft if they felt it was excessive. On the day the service was to start, the hot line began receiving calls several hours before the plane actually arrived at JFK.
September 2022
Just the fact that this legislation has made it to the governors’ office confirms to me the crazy New York politics. New York City or the state has never been much of an aviation supporter. I can tell you that the New York City area is still no longer the number one destination of my company’s clients. And one final thought the legislation is supposed to exempt law enforcement, air medical, news gathering, and a few other uses. How news gathering is grouped in these exemptions, who knows!
1 reply
September 2022
▶ pilotmww
There’s no telling how much money Chicago lost over Miegs. No one wanted to know because they don’t have a desire to rebuild it.
If the powerful and connected decide it’s too much hassle to get into NYC, and stop showing up, then the first thing to change would be this law. Much easier to repeal a law than build a runway.