6 replies
October 2020


The only area I have any real interest in – or have any personal control over – is the GA accident rate. Seems to me that a fatal rate of ~1.069 is pretty low and the statistical probability of YOU being that one is mighty low. We’ve reached the point of no significant ability to reduce it further. That it has remained essentially static since 2015 is further proof. Stuff happens, there are some situations that we can’t foresee or control and there are a few bad pilots around despite our best efforts to cull them out.

The NTSB is in the business of crunching numbers and – to me – the numbers are saying that we’re all collectively doing a pretty good job. IF you further analyzed just exactly where the fatalities are, I’d bet that you’d find that there are some “dangerous” areas in aviation and the rest of us are doing a fine job keeping us safe. Any further actions are nothing more than chasing our tails in a circle. Pounding “safety” into the heads of pilots has done it’s job IMHO. But, of course, this subject is aviation diatribe filler material. We’ll never reach zero … no matter what the FAA says.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ system


Fair point Larry regarding the fatality rate, but from what I have seen with my own to eyes I actually believe GA can improve the accident rate by just going back to basics, and decreasing the overall accident rate has a chance of decreasing the fatality rate.

At my home airport someone flying too wide a pattern lost an engine and had to put down off airport totaling the airplane. That in itself was unnecessary. An hour later while visiting the owner’s hangar I found an entire kidney tank amount of oil on the ramp in front of the hangar door and instantly knew the rest of that story. He had just completed an oil change by the way.

I recently watched heart in mouth as an attempted takeoff with a rough engine , not using the entire airstrip, ended up in rolling pasture. Looking in the cockpit after the crash I noticed the ignition key switched to one mag only and figured out immediately the rest of that story.

One more: An acquaintance filled his underpowered 4 place airplane with passengers on a warm day and using less than the entire length of a 2000 foot airstrip never got airborne. Scratch one more nice airplane off the rolls.

If people would simply pay attention to this kind of basic stuff which we all learned on day one I believe the overall accident rate would be reduced, hopefully also impacting the fatality rate.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ system


What kind of pilots never break any rules?
Silicon ones.
Fly safely!

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ system


Yep. Listen up folks.

October 2020


If we allow the number crunchers and their surrogates in the FAA to run amok, they’ll outlaw flying recreationally to reduce the accident or fatality rate to zero. Statistically, that’s impossible. My email inbox is filled with crap from the FAA about safety courses. I don’t need no more stinking safety courses to know that flying is infinitely unforgiving of stupidity and that’s that. I let it drive my thoughts with respect to aviating all the time I made it to septuagenarian status as a pilot for over half a century and that’s that.

I know pilots who are SO concerned over everything that they’re afraid of everything. That’d be the opposite end of the spectrum. In the middle is the “meat” of the subject and I feel we’re all doing pretty darned good.

October 2020


I would expect an increase in the statistical accident rates for part 91 flying in 2020. Not because of many more accidents, but fewer flying hours. Such is the nature of statistical analysis using small numbers. Larry does have a point in that a large number of accidents are caused by people doing dumb things, often in spite of knowing better. Flying shares that problem with driving cars. If we could get rid of the people overloading planes, ignoring weather forecasts, running out of fuel or flying defective airplanes, we could get a lot closer to zero. Just like if we could stop drunk driving, people watching their cell phones instead of the road, or other similar activities, the highway death rate would drop. Unfortunately, neither one is likely to happen.